Sunday, May 29, 2005

Uptown Park........

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaah...

I'm eating biryani. had one of the funnest weekends in quite awhile.

Friday afternoon....we went to Cafe Gabriel....that was pretty neat. then a very interesting, thought provoking, tear invoking conversation between me and amnaS when I got home....

Friday night was Iman's wedding...that was fun. whatchamacallit's mom was there. i avoided her, but in the end, she, herself came up to us and said Salaam and stuff. that was extremely interesting.
afterwards, we decided to get ice cream...and not ordinary ice cream, either. In the end, it was agreed that we should go to Post Oak or Uptown. So, we did, with the help of the navigation system woman (helpful idiot that she is (possums car)). Finally, we arrived in the Uptown Park Blvd. shopping strip. We got out and everyone STARED. Mind you, it was nearly midnight. we had our ice cream, and met 2 of the nicest, most innocent girls EVER, then headed out. Then we saw the BRAND NEW Lamborghini. wow. it was amazing. spectacular...etc. I had an extreme urge to touch it, but the crowd around it proved that to be quite a difficult task. plus there was a creepy Persian dude lingering close by.......................
anyhow, its always fun hanging out with possum. i love that skank.

saturday...was also lots of fun. i think i'll write about that at another time.
Im getting ready for the twins' graduation party.

Peace. (in the Middle East.) IN SHA'ALLAH :)

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