It has been more than a year since I moved across the world to the Eastern Hemisphere, into one of the world's hottest cities. Today is a relatively cool, breezy day at 103ºF. Yes, I am serious! Last week, the temperatures went upwards of 120ºF and even 127ºF one day. July is usually much worse. (Below is a picture of my compound.)

I really wish I had written down all my thoughts right when they came to me about life here. Although I did regularly speak to family on the phone, and most likely mentioned them there, that is not going to be sufficient in remembering time spent here.
Anyways, I will try to write out what I am thinking. When (and before) I first arrived here, I was filled with the excitement of living in a new place; thoughts of exploring, making new friends, etc. Upon arriving, things went well for the first week or two, and then it really hit me like a sack of bricks. I was thousands of miles away from everyone and everything I knew (except J, of course). I really do have delayed reaction.
Most expatriates I spoke to assured me that they too had hated it for the first six months, some even a year, but that now they could not imagine living anywhere else. "Not me," I, being a true skeptic, thought to myself, "only Houston can be home."
Well, fast forward a year, and four vacations to Houston while living here. This has become my home. I love Saudi Arabia! And, though I miss my family and friends dearly, I like living here. A lot.
Things are quite different, in good ways and bad ways. Let me start with the good things about living here. Firstly, I feel safe. Very, very safe. I know that I will not be mugged, raped, kidnapped, or murdered if I happen to be alone at night (which is highly unlikely anyways). In the States, even in fancy, upscale neighborhoods like the one I grew up in, crimes like this will happen. Here, because of the strict penalties for certain crimes, they are much less likely to occur.
I gotta run for now...will hopefully continue this someday :D
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