Friday, April 14, 2006

Long time, no post...

Assalamu Alaikum,

Its been quite a while since I've written.....Blogging was usually a method to clear my mind and attempt to rid myself of worries and stress..and J has taken over that. :)

Well, lets see....Nothing really spectacular took place in January....February was ok....We set the date for the Walima, and began to prepare for it. After countless trips to David's Bridal and Men's Wearhouse, we both had our outfits. The most stressful thing, which was also the most time-consuming was the invitations. Siiigh. Never again am I having a party for 550 people.

Before the wedding, we finally decided on a place to live. Its a 2-story townhome, sorta like a mini mansion. We also bought most of our furniture, which is just awesome, if I do say so myself. We've been devoting the past 2-3 weeks to the house.

The wedding was...astonishing. Everything (almost) went perfectly. I love being part of a inter-racial makes things much more interesting, and harder too, of course.

Last weekend, we decided to go on a vacation. We drove to San Antonio on Saturday morning and returned Sunday morning. It was a whole lot of fun, especially the boat ride, the shopping, eating out, everything.

And, finally, last but, definitely not least....I got J's surprise.
After months of planning, it didn't work out exactly as planned, and for a despairing minute I thought it might be a disaster.. But, then seeing the look on his face made any gloomy feelings disappear instantly. I'm sure you're wondering what the surprise is... None other than our newest family member, "ALAKAPOOCHIE." She's 8 months old, half calico and half tabby, and the sweetest thing in the world. (If you STILL don't get it, its a kitty. hehe).

Today, all the guys left for the SEMY Camp. I dropped J off early in the morning, at the Masjid, where they were supposed to meet. I talked to him twice since, and I miss him so extremely much. I'm just glad I have something to keep me occupied while he's gone for the weekend. (Alakapoochie, the Qiyaam, and other things.)

Well, I should be heading out now, I'm invited to my mom's for lunch. And, I think I'm going to try and get an oil change, if time permits.

Assalamu Alaikum........

1 comment:

Hina said...

Haha, Amna bamna samna, i found ur blog. You sound like a professor of some sort of english class or something. hehe.