Friday, September 22, 2006

Well we've scanned the sky and we've sighted the moon.....

Assalamu Alaikum,

Actually, we haven't sighted the moon yet. But, tonight, in sha'Allah. When we were small we'd always run outside at Maghrib time with our mom and try to find it. Twas fun... Now, there's like a huge ordeal about it. Whaddaya expect...all these bitter, power-hungry, American-Muslims.

Anyhow, I'm quite excited. I can't wait till Ramadan starts. I love that feeling of holiness, unity, everyone striving for the same thing. (Almost everyone.) I remember last year, a couple of people decided to destroy the month for the rest of us. Alhamdulillah, I'm not part of that crowd anymore. I've decided that I have much better things to do with my life, much better ways to spend my time, and much better people to hang out with.

Anyways, back to Ramadan. My favorite parts are Suhoor, Iftar, Taraweeh, and the Qiyams at the end of the month. Suhoor is fun because you wake up at an unheard of hour, and everyone else is also awake. Its not like when I wake up to study and J is snoring away. This is going to be our second Ramadan together, but our first one living in our own house. Last time, we were staying with my parents. So it should be interesting. And, for Iftar, we're going to eat at my mom's, my mom-in-law's, or at the Masjid. Except for a few days when we'll be hosting Iftar at home.
One of my favorite parts has always been the Qiyams. I used to have an annual Qiyam at my house, but now I'm kind of re-thinking it. After the last one I had, in July, I don't really think I want to do one anymore. People are extremely unappreciative and rude, and so, I just won't have one "open to the public." That way, I won't have breakfast food to feed 15 people just sitting in my pantry for months. And, people leaving at 2 am. And, lets not forget, still others complaining about the size of my house. Or my cat...who, needless to say, doesn't like them much anyway.

Ooooooook. Enough of that venting.

We had Al Maghrib the last 2 weekends. It was an awesome class. I learned a lot about Zakah, but most of the other stuff I already knew. It was interesting though, and the instructor always managed to keep my attention, which is not always the case with most of them.

I got some new shades finally. DKNY's. They're pretty nice. J and I went and got them on Monday. Here's a pic:

Anyways, I'm gonna go pick up the dry cleaning now...Bay Oaks Cleaners. They better be good, because I'm sick of every other one in this area. I always get back J's shirts and they're perfectly pressed, yet stained. Siiiiiiiiiiigh.
And then, off to decorate the Masjid for Ramadan. That should be fun. yay.

Ok, until next time.
Walaikum Assalam.

P.S. Oh's my results for the Gross quiz. BTW that says 28%...dunno why its miniscule.
You Are 28% Gross
You're a tad gross, but generally you're a clean, hygienic person. No one can be perfectly clean all the time, and it's better to be human than a neat freak.
How Gross Are You?

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Assalamu Alaikum,

Well, its Thursday night, almost Friday. Today was a stressful day. I had to drop off Nora and Omar at school in the morning; they spent the night... Afterwards, I headed to school for some intense "home-buying lectures."


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So So Tired.......................

Assalamu Alaikum,

Well, Labor Day weekend is over. It went by slow but too fast. Friday was the Islamic Relief Dinner. It was extremely sad, especially the video. Alhamdulillah, we reached our goal in Houston. So that was something everyone was happy about.
After the dinner, J's friends wanted to come over and play Monopoly. But, the house was a HUGE mess, so I wanted them to find a different place. J called around, but of course, as usual, no one wanted to offer their home. So, I came home, helped J clean the house, then went back to my mom's. They ended up staying all night, so I just stayed up all night, reading old emails from J, shopping online, and blogging. We finally slept around 6:30 am.

Saturday was the wedding. G came over early and was extremely stressed out, so J helped him out. We got ready, but I still hadn't done my hair or makeup, so Bapee came to help me. It took awhile, so J picked up the cakes, and headed to the wedding. Finally, at 7:20, I was ready. I sped to the wedding, fearing that I was late. Fortunately, though, they were running on SA/DT. (Standard Arab/Desi Time). The only people there were my parents, my in-laws, and Miss Haleema. And, of course, J and G. The wedding was pretty fun, except I wish I could have taken pics with J in them. Like the ones with me, G and S, and my mom-in-law. We cleaned up and were the last ones to leave, along with the Bride and Groom and my in-laws.
After the wedding, Nora came over. We just chilled, but she fell asleep. We woke her to change, and then Fari came over. So we all just talked for a few hours.

The next day, we had to babysit first thing in the morning. Bapee also came, and then an hour later, Nora arrived. We ended up staying at the Baigs' all day. For dinner, we went to Jason's Deli. Yummy. Then, our "spontaneous trip."
We randomly decided to go to Austin. So, we finally left around 1:30 am. All of us were packed in my mom-in-law's van. It was an interesting trip. Although it sucked to be smashed in the back, furthest corner the whole time, with 2 sleepy heads, where I couldn't hear Jack. We went to Lake Travis and swam and played, then we came home on Monday Night.

J is sick, and I have a huge throatache, and we both overslept today. I missed school and he was late for work. I had to drop him off, because he wasn't feeling too well. On the way, G called, and now J feels even worse. Family stuff.

Well, Im so hungry, my stomach is growling. I will be heading out now...still gotta cook dinner. And, then, tomorrow, the newlyweds are coming for dinner. Siiiiiiiiiiigh. I might have to tired.

Alrighty.Peace Out. Walaikum Assalam.